Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Mohan, Ram Dr.


Physics based flow modeling provides an effective way to simulate the resin infusion process in liquid composite molding processes for polymer composite structures. These are effective to provide optimal injection time and locations for given process parameters of resin viscosity and preform permeability prior to resin gelation. However, there could be significant variations in these two parameters during actual manufacturing due to differences in the resin batches, mixes, temperature, ambient conditions for viscosity; in the preform rolls, compaction, etc., for permeability. The influence of uncertainties in these parameters on the resin infusion time is investigated via a probabilistic modeling methodology using resin flow modeling and statistical analysis. The probabilistic methodology built upon computational analysis and tools for mesh generation, resin flow modeling, statistical analysis and visualization is presented. The application of this methodology for individual and simultaneous variations of these two parameters is presented, along with experimental comparisons validating the flow modeling. The probabilistic modeling methodology resulted in confidence envelopes to determine the probability for successful resin infusion prior to gelation, and estimate infusion time for any combination of viscosity and permeability for a composite part and injection condition. The effectiveness of these confidence envelopes to determine the probability for resin infusion success and estimate the infusion time without a need for additional simulations is presented.
