Mitigating Waste and Food Insecurities in Central Eastern North Carolina

Student Classification


Faculty Mentor

Lauren Davis, Ph.D.


Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering; Civil Engineering

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


Civil Engineering


As unemployment rates and poverty increase, the number of households in North Carolina that are food insecure are proportional and continue to grow. To counteract the effects of food insecurity in North Carolina, the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina operates as a distributor of donated food. They rely heavily on small farms, businesses, government agencies, and fellow citizens to create the majority of their inventory. The biggest problem with this donation driven environment is supply and demand uncertainties. Food bank managers are oblivious to the frequency, amount, produce type, and condition their donations will come in. With the use of standard statistical techniques that will be performed using the program R we will accomplish a number of tasks. i) Perform moving average and Auto Regressive Integration Moving Average (ARIMA) to predict what will happen in subsequent months. ii) Compare moving average and ARIMA model to machine learning techniques. iii) Analyze when perishable and nonperishable foods are coming in and how much waste is being produced.

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