Exploring the Use of Affordances for Interpreting Smart-Home Data

Student Classification


Faculty Mentor

Albert Esterline, Ph.D.


Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019


Industrial Engineering | Systems Engineering


Every day, we encounter objects from the Internet of Things (IoT), extended via internet connections that enable control, lots of collaboration, and monitoring. A smart home, with the help of IoT, enables the habitants to be monitored. How do you know the amount and type of data required to adequately monitor someone as they carry out various activities in the smart home? This research turns its attention to affordances; manifest possibilities for action provided by the environment. Examples include a door handle and a light switch. The thesis of this research with the affordances for the monitored and monitoring people being the same, little data can be used to monitor the interactions with affordances. A scaled down model of a floor in a smart home equipped with passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors allows interpretation of the inhabitants' activities on that same floor.

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