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older adult driver safety, rural mobility, naturalistic driving, driver assessment, community outreach program, tailored solution


The objective of this work was to draw upon prior research to support rural older drivers by identifying unmet needs and current limitations, then providing customized mobility plans. A customized algorithm was devised to provide a series of probes and discussion points, along with predetermined interventions, to explore at a consultation meeting with the participant. Phase 1 used naturalistic driving data along with other assessments, while Phase 2 uses a standardized test route and a cellphone-based app to perform driving assessments. When considering those that either marked strongly agree or somewhat agree to key exit interview questions, the following findings become apparent: 89% felt well-being increased as a result of the program 100% felt the program was worthwhile 100% would like to continue with the program 89% would recommend the program to others The ROAD TRIP program revealed an opportunity for improvement in working with older adult drivers. The progression from Phase 1 to Phase 2 highlighted the need for streamlined processes to expand to a larger audience. Regardless of the driving data methodology employed, participants spoke highly of the program, which highlights both the need for continued use and for further expansion, potentially with the aid of other organizations.

Test Route Data.xlsx (13 kB)
Data File 1

Surveys and Exit Questionnaire.xlsx (18 kB)
Data File 2

Smartphone App Data.xlsx (74 kB)
Data File 3

Naturalistic Data.xlsx (121 kB)
Data File 4
