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Greensboro, North Carolina
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College Name
College of Science and Technology
Department Name
Department of Built Environment
Course Number/Section
EHS 315
Course Description
Environmental health is associated with recognizing, assessing, understanding and controlling the impacts of people in their environment and the impacts of the environment on the public health. The science of environmental health spans a wide range of topics, requiring the use of multidisciplinary approaches to study the impact of environmental factors on human health. Toxicology, a major component of environmental health, can be broadly defined as the science that explores how drugs and chemicals adversely affect human health. Student enrolled in this course will learn the basic principles of toxicology as they apply to human health. Topics will include activation and detoxification of drugs and chemicals, cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in toxic responses elicited by chemicals, and basic concepts of carcinogenesis and mutagenesis. Effects associated with specific classes of chemical agents that are likely to induce injury and/or pose significant potential for human exposure will be presented. In addition, the concept of how human risk is estimated from xenobiotic exposure will be introduced.
Required Textbook 1
Klaassen, C. D. (2018). Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons (9th ed.). McGraw Hill. ISBN: 9781259863745.
Required Textbook 1 Price
OER Selection 1
Environmental Toxicology
Recommended Citation
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, "Environmental and Occupational Toxicology" (2020). Open Educational Resources Syllabus Review. 64.