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Greensboro, North Carolina
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
College Name
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Department Name
Department of History and Political Science
Course Number/Section
GEOG 200
Course Description
This course is a survey of the geography of the natural world and of ways of describing, recording, and analyzing surface processes on Earth. Emphasis is placed on those characteristics of the surface of Earth that are physical in nature such as landforms, climate, vegetation, and soils, and on how the spatial patterns and interactions of these characteristics vary globally. The course provides a conceptual framework, factual information, and skills which are invaluable in training teachers and students in other disciplines. Education majors enrolled in this course will find that it helps prepare professional educators who are catalysts for learning.
Required Textbook 1
Hess, D., & Tasa, D. (2016). McKnight’s physical geography: A landscape appreciation (12th ed.). Pearson.
Required Textbook 1 Price
OER Selection 1
Physical Geography
Recommended Citation
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, "Principles of Geography" (2020). Open Educational Resources Syllabus Review. 73.