Benefits of Conservation Practices for Zoological Breeding Programs

Student Classification

Tahmyah Beaty, Third year


Department of Animal Sciences

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2023


The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural (IUCN) Resources at the Greensboro Science Center (NC) supports this initiative. I hypothesize that without conservational breeding organizations, animals that many people find beautiful, would not be. Animals become endangered for reasons, such as human contact, and low reproduction rates. For example, the Giant Panda is a species that only reproduce in natural settings once every two years, which caused it to be endangered and possibly become extinct. To address this, the IUCN, Natural Resources and the Species Survival Plan (SSP) was established. The SSP has been implemented in all AZA Zoological Parks, including the Greensboro Science Center. We conducted this qualitative research by observing tigers’ mating practices. The SSP organizational standards on how successful they were able to reproduce were studied. For example, the male Sumatran tiger was paired with a female Sumatran Tiger from the Nashville, TN Zoo. Preliminary results found that even for one year, it became risky for the Tigers to be housed together, which impacts reproduction. Red Pandas are also endangered and a part of the SSP. They were able to reproduce, showing the benefit of conserving more Red Pandas’ breeding. Thus far, it is concluded that enforcement of SSP should continue as species such as Tigers and Red Pandas have the potential to survive.

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