Recycling With Pride: A Feasibility Study Validating Infrastructure and Engagement as Recycling Best Practices (group)

Student Classification


Faculty Mentor

Vicki Foust, Ph.D.


Department of Chemical, Biological, and Bioengineering; Biological Engineering

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2018


Biological Engineering


According to the Department of Energy Quality, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State (NCAT) University is recycling less than ten percent of its waste. Recycling with Pride has conducted a feasibility study to validate infrastructure and engagement recycling best practices through planning and implementing simultaneous recycling pilots in three different campus buildings: Administrative (Fort IRC), Residence (Pride Hall), and Academic (Carver Hall). To conduct this study, the incorporated of best practices for recycling infrastructure and engagement were implemented in each building. Data was collected using Google forms to capture daily recycling fillage and contamination rates. Throughout the study there was a consistent increase in recycling rates and a decrease in contamination rates.

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