The research of the Needs in East Greensboro Neighborhoods
Student Classification
Cierra Newton,4th year, Sociology Isaiah (Zay) Brooks, 4th year, Sociology Anderson Bean, College of Health and Human Sciences Stephanie Teixeira-Poit, College of Health and Human Sciences Tobin Walton, College of Health and Human Sciences
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2023
Sociology students and faculty are engaged in community citizen-science research addressing systemic barriers to the well-being of the community residents. Citizen-science is a community- based effort to address issues in communities; meaning regular people like you and me, can help make a difference, even if it's a small one, in our own communities. We talked with a lot of community-based organizations, and we concluded that our expertise would be best used working with a community-based organization called East Greensboro Now (EGN). They told us what kind of data they needed to be successful and with that information we created our survey. Our collaboration with EGN identified what kinds of datathat would benefit surrounding neighborhoods. We gathered information via survey; both online and paper, to figure out the major things that need attention within East Greensboro communities. With the data we gathered in our surveys we wrote regular one-page reports that we send to EGN so that they can easily identify exactly what issues need to be addressed. Our focus was housing, public transportation, and public spaces. We attended neighborhood meetings in person and via zoom so that we could get our surveys to community members. The neighborhood meetings we attended were Ole Asheboro, Concerned Citizens of Northeast Greensboro, Dudley Heights, and Willow Oaks. We also took time to write notes on other concerns they had that didn't fall under those categories but still needed to be addressed in our data reports.
Recommended Citation
Newton, Cierra; Brooks, Isaiah (Zay); and Bean, Anderson, "The research of the Needs in East Greensboro Neighborhoods" (2023). Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Symposia. 338.