Gang Affiliation and Disability: An Initial Investigation into Rehabilitation Counseling Implications

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Individuals involved in gang activity are typically involved in various violent acts and are likely to acquire a disability and need the services of a rehabilitation counselor. Yet, the link between gang affiliation, disabilities and rehabilitation service delivery access is rarely considered in the rehabilitation counseling profession. This study provides an initial investigation of gang members/former gang members' knowledge of rehabilitation counseling services access and their attitudes toward persons with disabilities. The scale of Attitudes toward Disabled Persons Form R was used in conjunction, the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale Short Form - C to determine the attitudes that gang members/former gang members may have toward persons with disabilities. A scenario vignette was used to qualitatively assess knowledge of services. Analysis indicates that 84% of respondents had no knowledge of services provided by vocational rehabilitation counselors. Recommendations for effective service delivery that can lead to successful outcomes with the population and its implications for rehabilitation counselors are provided.

Publication Title

The Journal of Rehabilitation
