Below you will find research papers and other works from the faculty of North Carolina A&T State University.
Submissions from 2025
Tropical Cyclone Response in Annual Tree Growth at Three Different Coastal Sites Along the Gulf of Mexico, USA, Clay S. Tucker, Alyssa C. Crowell, Kayla D. Stan, and Thomas W. Patterson
Submissions from 2024
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation on Blade Geometry of Novel Axial FlowTurbine for Wave Energy Extraction, Mohammad Nasim Uddin, Yang Gao, and Paul M. Akangah
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation on Blade Geometry of Novel Axial FlowTurbine for Wave Energy Extraction, Mohammad Nasim Uddin, Yang Gao, and Paul M. Akangah
Submissions from 2023
Academic Success and Retention Pathway for Mechanical Engineering Major, Paul Akangah, Henry Ivuawuogu, Adeola Morawo, and Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu
Academic Success and Retention Pathway for Mechanical Engineering Major, Paul Akangah, Henry Ivuawuogu, Adeola Morawo, and Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu
The perspectives of higher agricultural education in the gulf cooperation council countries, Eihab Mohamed Fathelrahman, Paula E. Faulkner, and Ghaleb A.Al Hadrami Al Breiki
Demographic and Career Trends of Expatriate Student Affairs Professionals, Patricia Witkowsky and Osasohan Agbonlahor
Submissions from 2022
Counselors’ Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Children, Michael Brooks
Leadership Roles and Initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Anesthesiology Departments, Michael Brooks
How closing the digital divide can improve women's employability, Paula E. Faulkner, Robert Cobb, Thomas Korir Kipkurgat, and Salwa Omar Alinat-Abed
Insights from Immigrant and Refugee Youth on Resilience through Sport Participation during Adaption to a New Country, Adem Kaya, Paula E. Faulkner, Ceola Ross Baber, and Jerono P. Rotich
Analysis of Additive Manufacturing Powders’ Behaviors Using Discrete Element Method-Based Simulation, Safwat M. Shenouda, Sun Yi, and Paul Akangah
Positive Changes Made, Full Equality Not Achieved: NC A&T State University in the UNC System and the Benefits It Received (1972-81), J. Charles Waldrup
Submissions from 2021
Perspectives on Counselor Education Collaborative Scholarship, Michael Brooks and Jeff Wolfgang
African American Parents With Children With Disabilities: Gathering Home–School Reflections, Nicole Dobbins
Pathways to Institutional Transformation at HBCUS: Recommendations from HBCU Black Women STEM Faculty, Karen T. Jackson
Discrimination, Social Connectedness, and Future Anxiety of the First-Generation Korean Americans, Tae-Hee Kim and Michael Brooks
Pittsburgh, The Realest City: Shit Talk’n, Storytell’n, Social Liv’n, Jacqueline Roebuck Sakho
Content Literacy PD: Middle Grades Language Arts Teachers Perceptions, Nichole L. Smith and Brian K. Williams
The Structural Effects of Diabetes on Soft Tissues: Systematic Review, Shunafrica White, Matthew McCullough, and Paul Akangah
Submissions from 2020
Embracing Diversity and Inclusive Mentoring Practices for Leadership Development, Geleana D. Alston
Where Are We Headed? Future Directions for Mentoring, Learning, and Leadership, Geleana D. Alston
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Supporting Veterans and Servicemembers: Insights From the Past in Preparation For the Future, Geleana D. Alston and Shon D. Smith
A finite element simulation on different coronary heart stents designs, Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze, Zhichao Li, and Paul Akangah
A Manifesto: Black Identity, Protest, and Art, Awendela Grantham
Whistleblower 211: A Study Guide for African American History Exams, Awendela Grantham
Developing Culturally and Structurally Responsive Approaches to STEM Education to Advance Education Equity., Karen T. Jackson
Ethnicity, Life Satisfaction, Stress, Familiarity, and Stigma towards Mental Health, Tae-Hee Kim
An Exploration of the Perceptions of Institutional Advancement Leaders on Their Role in the Survival of Private HBCUs: A Qualitative Study, Comfort O. Okpala
Family Literacy Engagement: Parents’ Perceptions of Their Home Learning Practices, Nichole L. Smith
Effects of an Advanced Driver Training Program on Young Traffic Offenders’ Subsequent Crash Experience, Yudan C. Wang
The Effect of Extending Graduated Driver Licensing to Older Novice Drivers in Indiana, Yudan C. Wang
Teachers' Psychological Distress in North Carolina: An Analysis of Urban Versus Non-Urban School Districts, Brian K. Williams
"That's the Point of Going": A Qualitative Inquiry into the Experiences of Black Males at an Early College High School, Brian K. Williams
Submissions from 2019
Adult Learning and Inclusive Feminism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Justice and Political Activism, Geleana D. Alston
The Value and Impact of a Brief Study Abroad Experience on Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Counseling Students' Learning, Michael Brooks, Jeff Wolfgang, and Shirlene Smith
Trust, Training, and a Strategic Plan: Assessment at an HBCU, Steven M. Culver
A Revisited Inquiry: A Survey of the Members of the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA), Paige Dunlap
TROPES: Church Politics & Its Impact on the Black Female Identity, Awendela Grantham
An examination of professional identity development in HBCU construction students, Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu, Victor Ofori-Boadu, Iyshea Borders-Taylor, Lewis Waller, and Paul Akangah
Humility, Forgiveness, and Love - The Heart of Ethical Stewardship, Comfort O. Okpala
Tone Begins at the Top: Broadening Participation in STEM Higher Education, Comfort O. Okpala
A Comparison of the ECERS-R and ECERS-3: Different Aspects of Quality?, Yudan C. Wang
“Get Off My Property”: A Personal Narrative Addressing Violence Against African Americans by Law Enforcement Post–Hurricane Katrina, Tyra N. Whittaker
Black Girl Lost: Mediated Experiences of Adolescent Black Females' Academic Self-Concept, Nakeshia N. Williams
An Examination of Cross-Cultural Experiences on Developing Culturally Responsive Teacher Candidates, Nakeshia N. Williams, Brian K. Williams, and Tyrette S. Carter
Submissions from 2018
Examining the Cultural Wealth of Underrepresented Minority Engineering Persisters, Monica E. Allen
Rehabilitation Career Counseling Self-Efficacy, Caroline S. Booth
A Demonstration Model of Interagency Collaboration for Students With Disabilities: A Multilevel Approach, Kimberly R. Bunch-Crump
CIRCLES: Building an Interagency Network for Transition Planning, Kimberly R. Bunch-Crump
According to Faculty, the Most Important Reasons for Doing Assessment at an HBCU, Steven M. Culver
Aligning Assessment Processes at a Research Institution: Striving Toward Institutional Efffectiveness and Efficiency, Steven M. Culver
Impacts of Experiencing Social Injustice on Infusing of Social Justice in Rehabilitation Counselor Education Curriculum, Glacia Ethridge
Exploring the Opportunities of Minority Senior Executive U.S. Federal Government Agency Leaders: A Qualitative Analysis, Crystal Gathers-Whatley
Community Engagement: Using Feedback Loops to Empower Residents and Influence Systemic Change in Culturally Diverse Communities, Karen T. Jackson
The Black Panther Effect: Movie Ups Aggie Swag, Kim Smith
Exploring Screen Time Habits and the Life Empowerment Divide at an HBCU, Kim Smith, Tobin Walton, and Alvin Keyes
Exploring Screen Time Habits and the Life Empowerment Divide at an HBCU, Kim Smith, Tobin Walton, and Alvin Keyes
Using Literacy Strategies with Middle School ELL Students to Improve Their Literacy Skills, Nichole L. Smith
Submissions from 2017
Creating a Healthy Classroom in Multicultural Counseling Courses, Geleana D. Alston
Ready for the Professoriate? The Influence of Mentoring on Career Development for Black Male Graduate Students in STEM, Geleana D. Alston
Service Learning as Inquiry in an Undergraduate Science Course, Kelsie M. Bernot, Amy E. Kulesza, and Judith S. Ridgway
Integration of Sex and Sexuality into Counseling Programs, Caroline S. Booth
An Investigation of Multitiered Behavioral Interventions on Disruptive Behavior and Academic Engagement of Elementary Students, Kimberly R. Bunch-Crump
Career Counseling in Middle Schools: A Study of School Counselor Self-Efficacy, Steven M. Culver
Formative Feedback to Degree Programs: The Glass House of the Assessment Office, Steven M. Culver
Vocational Evaluation of Hispanics: Implications for Rehabilitation Counseling Professionals, Paige Dunlap
Undergraduate Student Attitudes toward Disabled Persons and Influence on Disability Sport Volunteerism, Gloria H. Elliott
Doing the Research that Informs Practice: A Retrospective View of One Group's Attempt to Study The Teaching and Learning of Organic Chemistry, Robert Ferguson
Educators Voices from Integrated Writing and Problem Solving Common Core Workshop, Karen T. Jackson
Challenges And Rewards Of Private Practice: An Exploratory Study Of African American Speech-Language Pathologists, Deana Lacy McQuitty
Exploring Community College Students' Transfer Experiences and Perceptions and What They Believe Administration Can Do to Improve Their Experiences, Comfort O. Okpala
Factors that Impact Health Career Decisions of Second Generation Nigerian Students, Comfort O. Okpala
How Are We Developing Student Leaders? A Qualitative Examination of a Peer-to-Peer Program at a Historically Black University, Comfort O. Okpala
Index of Economic Freedom, Religion, and Female Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa, Comfort O. Okpala
Voices of African American Women Leaders on Factors that Impact their Career Advancement in North Carolina Community Colleges, Comfort O. Okpala
Black Activist Mothering: Teach Me About What Teaches You, Jacqueline Roebuck Sakho-
Engaging Students Through a Summer Literacy Experience, Nichole L. Smith
Changes in Teachers Discourse About Students in a Professional Development on Learning Trajectories, Jared Neil Webb
It’s Not Hard Work; It’s Heart Work: Strategies of Effective, Award-Winning Culturally Responsive Teachers, Nakeshia N. Williams
Highlighting the Challenges When Conducting Cross-National Studies: Use of Transcultural Theory, Jeff D. Wolfgang
Submissions from 2016
The Relevance of Critical Race Theory: Impact on Students of Color, Monica E. Allen
Adult Education and an African American History Museum, Geleana D. Alston
Reflections from Graduate Adult Learners About Service Learning, Geleana D. Alston
Enhancing Undergraduate Students’ Learning and Research Experiences through Hands on Experiments on Bio-nanoengineering, Caroline S. Booth
Supports and Barriers to Employment for Disabled and Nondisabled Rural Residents, Caroline S. Booth
Hands Up: Police Shooting of Young Black Males: Implications for Social Work and Human Services, Michael Brooks
Is There a Problem Officer? Exploring the Lived Experience of Black Men and Their Relationship with Law Enforcement, Michael Brooks
The Invisible Client: Ramifications of Neglecting the Impact of Race and Culture in Professional Counseling, Michael Brooks
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: An Interview with Scott Woolley, PhD., Shea Michelle Dunham
Assessing Probation Officers’ Knowledge of Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pilot Study, Paige Dunlap
Special Education Disproportionality: A Review of Responses to Intervention and Culturally Relvant Pedagogy, Cathy D. Kea
Early Experiences with Computer Supported Collaborative Dialogue for a 2nd Semester Java Class, Tae-Hee Kim