The Influence of Gender, Income, and Religious Beliefs on Life Satisfaction through Affect and Stress in Families with and without Mental Illness

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The aim of the study was to explore the influence of gender, income, and religious beliefs on life satisfaction through affect and stress in families with and without mental illness. We examined variations depending on the presence of mental illness and minority status. Results indicated that the influence of gender, income, and religion on life satisfaction through affect and stress varied between families. Males with a family member with mental illness showed significant negative affect, while those without a family member with mental illness did not show gender differences in negative affect. Results also indicated that higher income did not significantly reduce negative affect in individuals with a family member with mental illness, regardless of minority status. Gender, income, and religious beliefs were not indirectly related to life satisfaction through affect and stress for individuals who had a family member with mental illness. These results are discussed, and clinical implications are offered.

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