Leadership Roles and Initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Anesthesiology Departments

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A cultural change in medicine has placed a renewed focus on the importance of a diverse and inclusive healthcare workforce. The methods employed by anesthesiology departments in pursuit of diversity and inclusion needs to be examined.This study's objective was to assess the frequency of established leadership infrastructures and initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion within academic anesthesiology departments.This was a cross-sectional survey study. The authors emailed an electronic survey to 98 academic anesthesiology departments to assess leadership roles, dissemination platforms and initiatives used to support diversity and inclusion.Academic anesthesiology department in the United States with at least 60 residents.The measure tested was the existence and quantification of leadership roles and initiatives directed at diversity and inclusion efforts at academic anesthesiology departments.The survey response rate was 49.4% (95% CI 39.3-59.6%). While 62.5% (95% CI 47.0-75.8%) of respondents reported having faculty members with a diversity and inclusion role, only 27.5% (95% CI 16.1-42.8%) reported a clearly defined leadership role such as vice-chair or committee chair. Seventy percent of respondents reported initiatives geared towards diversity using multiple platforms to showcase these initiatives.Based on these survey results, many anesthesia departments have developed initiatives to promote their departmental diversity. However, only a minority have established clearly defined leadership roles, which may be critical to enhance departmental success in promoting diversity and inclusion.

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