Perspectives On Culturally and Linguistically Responsive RtI Pedagogics Through A Cultural and Linguistic Lens

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Response to intervention (RtI) originates from national legislation and critical research of evidence-based practices for low performing students and students atrisk of failing or receiving special education services. RtI proactively facilitates culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students. With evidence-based practices, RtI when infused with culturally responsive pedagogy, has the potential to decrease the overrepresentation of CLD students in special education. This article examines RtI through a cultural and linguistic lens, addresses implementation challenges for CLD students, and emphasizes the importance of a cu lturally and linguistically responsive RtI approach that connects students’ cultural knowledge, experiences, and learning styles to the academic and performance skills they need to learn and know.

Publication Title

Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning


Southern University and A&M College
