Charting the Future of Journalism Education at HBCUS: Finding a Place for Multimedia in the Curricula

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2-5-2012


The author surveyed 240 journalism educators and department chairs at 51 Historically Black Colleges and Universities to learn how they were coping with possible changes in journalism curricula as a result of the growing popularity of multimedia journalism. Out of the 93 who completed the survey, 97% agreed that all students in a journalism program should be required to take multimedia courses. But they disagreed over who should take the lead for making changes in the curricula. Other obstacles included (a) lack of faculty training in multimedia techniques, and (b) lack of financial resources to buy and maintain the equipment needed to teach multimedia. The study also compares obstacles HBCUs face in adding multimedia to the curricula to studies that examined the stumbling blocks predominately white colleges and universities (PWCUs) have faced in adding multimedia to their journalism curricula.
