Promoting Academic Socialization Through Service Learning Experiences.

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This study explores the narratives of eight students who served as journal reviewers on a non-course related service activity. The aim of this study was to develop an understanding of their experiences. The review board was multi-disciplinary in composition; the majority of its student and faculty members were from communities historically excluded from, and marginalized within, structures of U.S. higher education. Student engagement in learning how to manage an online journal fostered academic socialization through collaboration and collective learning. Students' perceptions of the benefits of working on the journal were categorized across five themes: Academic Career Enhancement, Practicing Faculty Work, Illuminating Faculty Roles, Demystifying Writing for Publication, and Grappling with Prioritization. The benefits and challenges of promoting academic socialization through service learning and mentorship, as well as showing how service engagement can be integrated in academic and personal identities, are discussed.

Publication Title

International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
