Implementing CIRCLES: A New Model for Interagency Collaboration in Transition Planning

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BACKGROUND: Transition planning services for students with disabilities are mandated by IDEA 2004, but getting all the right folks to the table to plan for this transition is difficult to accomplish. OBJECTIVE: CIRCLES is a new model for interagency collaboration in transition planning. It includes three levels of teams, working together to identify specific post-school goals for students with disabilities, and developing a series of steps to help each student achieve them. METHODS: This study utilized focus groups of key members of the different levels of teams involved to identify successes and challenges in the first year of implementation of this new model. RESULTS: The CIRCLES model of service delivery improved agency members' sense of collaboration and awareness of services available in their districts. CONCLUSIONS: Although more research is needed, CIRCLES as a service delivery model increases interagency collaboration for transition planning for students with disabilities.

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