Applied Thermodynamics
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course involves applications of basic thermodynamic principles to real systems. The topics covered include: review of concepts from fundamentals of thermodynamics, vapor power cycles, gas power cycles, refrigeration and heat pump, mixtures of ideal gases, psychrometrics, combustion, and 1D Compressible Flow.
Art Appreciation
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course is an introduction to the study of visual art. Basic qualities of various forms of artistic expression are explained. Emphasis is placed on the application of art principles in everyday life.
Behavior Modification
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course is a survey of relevant research and techniques making use of either learning theory or behavioral principles in the treatment of deviant behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the use of operant conditioning procedures in the prevention and treatment of abnormal behavior.
Biochemistry I
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
A study of the structures, properties of biological molecules, amino acids, proteins and enzymes, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and membranes. Also the bioenergetics of biological reactions, and enzyme catalysis, with particular emphasis on the underlying chemical principles, including thermodynamics and kinetics will be included.
Bioethics and Responsible Conduct in Science
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is an interactive course that engages students in the analysis of contemporary issues at the interface of science and ethics. It also covers policies and guidelines that are essential for the responsible conduct of biological and biomedical research. Course sessions include discussion periods, case studies, lectures and presentations by guest speakers with expertise in the field.
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course explores and examines the role of business in modern civil societies from the perspectives of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. It studies theoretical, philosophical foundations and models of personal and managerial ethical decision-making process, and corporate social responsibility and philanthropy in a domestic and global business environment. The approach is to explore competing views.
Cell Biology
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course examines, in detail, the biology of the eukaryotic cell. The course will focus on the functions of the plasma membrane, organelles, and macromolecules within the cell. The course will also cover cellular growth, division, and cell death. The laboratory will include exercises to visualize the cell and to measure the physical and chemical properties of cellular macromolecules.
Classroom and Behavioral Management
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course is designed to give preservice elementary and special education majors a broad range of philosophies and concepts about classroom and student behavior management. Concepts will include preventive, diagnostic, and prescriptive behavior planning and implementation for classroom management.
College Physics I
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is an algebra-based course. No calculus is used. The course is a study of fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics, heat, and thermodynamics.
College Physics II
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is an algebra-based course. The course covers the fundamental principles of electricity, magnetism, wave motion, and optics.
Computer Database Management
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course examines the fundamental concepts and theory of database management systems. Topics cover database system architectures, data models, query languages, conceptual database design, logical database design, normalization, and physical database design.
Computer System Security
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course focuses on the concepts and principles of computer security, cryptography, authentication, securing networks, threat environment, access control, firewalls, host hardening, application security, data protection, incident response, and a networking primer. A clear theoretical understanding supports a large practical component.
Conduction Heat Transfer
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course presents the development of the general heat conduction equation and its applications to one-two-, and three-dimensional steady and unsteady boundary value problems. Closed form and numerical solution techniques are addressed.
Courts and The Judicial Procedure
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course examines the criminal process within American courts from arrest/arrest warrant application to final appeal. Topics include magistrates, trial and appellate courts, plea bargains, evidence, burdens of proof, jury selection and instructions, jurisdiction, habeas corpus and accountability.
Criminal Procedure
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course covers the history/evolution /principles and contemporary applications of criminal procedure. Topics include the inner workings of the criminal justice system and the laws governing the interaction between law enforcement, civilians and the judiciary
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course examines culturally responsive learning environments that engage and empower PK-12 students. Emphasis is placed on using the context of the learning environment to make instructional decisions. A 30-hour field experience in an approved learning environment is required.
Customer Relationship Marketing & Management
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
No description listed
Design Methodology and Implementation
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This research course provides students with core knowledge and skills for understanding, analyzing, and designing research at the doctoral level using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research designs.
Digital Signal Processing
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course develops a working knowledge of the basic signal processing functions, such as digital filtering spectral analysis, and detection/post-detection processing. Methods of generating the coefficients for digital filters will be derived. Alternate structures for filters, such as infinite impulse response and finite impulse response will be compared. It develops essential tools required for a broad range of disciplines (e.g. communications, geophysics, medical image processing, etc.).
Digital System Design
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course exposes the students to principles, techniques, and applications of modern digital systems. Design and analysis techniques for combinational and sequential circuits will be discussed. In particular, students will be exposed to digital system top-down design and analysis, timing, power and performance issues in digital circuits. In addition, the student will be exposed to the Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL)-based system analysis and synthesis, hardware-software co-design, data-flow models, and digital system primitives.
Discrete Systems Modeling
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course is an introduction to applied discrete mathematics as it relates to computer engineering. Topics include set theory, propositional logic, functions, relations, recursion, Boolean algebra, applications of elementary graph theory, trees, and mathematical techniques for algorithm analysis.
Education Psychology and Classroom Management
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course explores a broad range of psychological principles of growth and development of PK-12 learners. Additionally, candidates examine philosophies & concepts of classroom. Candidates investigate, diagnose, prescribe & apply appropriate behavior methods.
Electrical Circuits and Systems
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This course covers fundamentals of electrical networks for non-EE major students and also prepares them for FE examination. Topics include Ohm’s Law, Kirchhof’s Current and Voltage Laws, Linearity, Superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits, Inductors and capacitors basics, RC and RL Transient Circuits, AC Steady-State Analysis, Frequency domain and Phasor method analysis, ideal transformers and operation of diodes. Prerequisite: PHYS 242. Corequisite: MATH 341.
Electromagnetism I
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is an intermediate course in electromagnetism which along with PHYS 416 includes the study of electric fields and potentials, electric current and magnetic fields, solutions to Maxwell's equations, plane waves, polarization, propagation in media, wave guides and resonant cavities, refraction, and dispersion.
Electromagnetism II
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
This is the second semester of our two-semester sequence of junior-level classical electromagnetism. It uses the tools of vector calculus to analyze the dynamic properties of electromagnetic fields. The topics we will cover includes the study of electric fields and potentials, electric current and magnetic fields, in material media, solutions to Maxwell's equations, plane waves, polarization, propagation in media,
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